Topic: Images

It would be nice to be able to specify folders and paths for image uploads.  Defaulting to the root of /images doesn't allow for dynamic pages built around a folder structure.

I would like to see the images go into /images/cms/foldername (where foldername can be any folder created by the user.

Any opinions?


Re: Images

I'm in a similar position with uploading pdfs and docs, which a lot of my users use for posting notices, application forms, etc. Currently these all go in one default files folder. Any chance of being able to define a different folder for each user?

Thanks guys.

Re: Images

We have discussed this and have decided against implementing it; to do so would make the system over-complicated for those users who have a more basic understanding. With our product being SimpleCMS, we have to think about this constantly.

In the next 6 months, however, we are going to launch a download version of the system which may well include this feature.

Re: Images

OK, Gavin, I'll look forward to that.

Re: Images

Simple is good...but we also need some basics like a download folder where the client can put their files. Any simple professional site has an active news/pr section. Dumping them all in the images makes for a real mess.

(cushycms even has it on their free version, with a simple optional implementation....and you surly wouldnt want them to have something you dont have.....

Re: Images

There's a lot Cushy do that we don't - and vice versa. Thankfully.

We intend to launch this feature along with the download version.

Re: Images


How's the new version coming along?

Re: Images

Slowly. We all take on client work regularly and this has taken up a lot of our time recently. We do still plan to launch this new version and it's not so far off, but it's taken a back-burner lately I'm afraid to say.